Do you have pets in your home or office that constantly sheds on your furniture? Are you embarrassed when visitors comes over and does not want to sit on your couch for fear they might walk away with dog hair all over them? If so, you probably could use some techniques on how to remove pet hair from furniture. So before you get your upholstery professionally cleaned try a few cheap ways to eliminate that pet hair.
Cheap Fun Ways
There are some cheap fun ways to remove pet hair from furniture. One way is to blow up a balloon and use the static to attract the hair from the furniture. This way does not collect big chunks at a time and therefore would not be a preferred method for a large piece of furniture. Another common way is to simply wet your hand and brush the hair downward. This helps bundle the hair allowing you to remove more of it. However, some fabrics may not respond well to this method. An alternate method is to put on a latex glove and rub the fabric downward to collect the hair.
Most Efficient Way
The most efficient way to remove pet hair from upholstery furniture is to use a hand held vacuum cleaner made specifically to remove pet hair. This tool works great for large pieces of furniture or pieces with large amounts of pet hair. Another, fast efficient way is to use your average lint rollers. These rollers come with multiple sheets and works great for furniture with small amounts of hair on it.
So if you need a professional upholstery cleaning in Birmingham, AL, make sure you remove as much pet hair as possible to create an efficient cleaning.